Free Spirit Hi S Black Spod Rod
Using the very same high quality Japanese Low Resin 40t Carbon and with full 1k weave, the H-‘S’ Spod rods and SPMs exactly match the build of the carp rods. As we use the same material the blanks are kept as slim and as light as possible but still with plenty of action to aid the casting of even the smallest spods and other baiting devices.
Having a very low resin content means there is no perceptible softening of the blanks – very important to preserve the performance of these rods since they are cast repeatedly with heavy loads.
As with all Free Spirit rods they are built on the spine which helps ensure they cast more accurately and last longer.
The Hi-‘S’ Spod Rods are a little heavier in action to the SPM so that larger payloads can be cast with ease. These are more suitable for the use of the middle to large sizes although the tip is still relatively slim and responsive. These rods feature the Clone reel seat in 1k and ‘S’-Lite guides, stainless steel collars and butt caps as standard and are available in 12’ & 13’. The effective test curve is around 4½lb.
Since it is quite popular to carry more than one Spod or SPM rod these have depth marks so can be used for marker work too.
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